In case you haven't heard, Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. When I looked ahead at this year's calendar in the fall of 2021, I was so excited for this opportunity. How appropriate it is to be able to observe the day we traditionally celebrate the birth of our Savior together as the church! Yet, as we have drawn closer to Christmas this year, it has been shocking to see Christians all over our country actually opposing the corporate assembly of the church on Christmas Sunday. My first inclination was to think this was coming from the liberal sect of so-called Christianity - you know, the same groups that have been cancelling church for the sake of convenience for quite some time. But, that is not the case here. Good, Bible-believing Christians have convinced themselves it is okay to "cancel church" this year. What are their reasons? "We can worship Jesus from home as a family." "We are prioritizing family time, which is also important...