If you have made the effort to be faithful to your local gathering at church for very long at all, you can relate to the struggle of doing so every Sunday. One Sunday morning, as a woman went to go wake her husband up for church, he informed her, "I'm not going." "Why not?" she asked. "I'll give you two good reasons. One, they don't like me; and two, I don't like them." His wife replied, "Well, I'll give you two good reasons why you should go to church then. One, you're fifty-four years old; and two, you're the pastor!" At some point, every single one of us have have faced this struggle with going to church. More so than any other day of the week, Sunday always seems like the hardest day to get up and to get going. Why is this? Because sleeping in, relaxing, having a "mental health day," watching church online, fishing, golfing, having family time, doing chores or just about any thing else seems more appe...